
NABL Grants Accreditation to

NABL Grants Accreditation to

International Recognition

International Recognition

About Accreditation

About Accreditation



  1. Revised  Fee Structure for FY 2020-21
  2. NABL has done major changes in NABL 216 Procedures for Dealing with Adverse Decisions. For more details, please refer NABL 216 Procedures for Dealing with Adverse Decisions Issue No. 07.
  3. Reference to the DGFT Notification No. 26/2015-2002 dated 01.09.2017 regarding testing of toys in NABL accredited laboratories. Further to the notification, DGFT has issued an amendment (vide Notification No. 33 / 2015-2020 dated 02.12.2019)
  4. NABL 131-Terms and conditions for Obtaining & Maintaining NABL Accreditation and NABL 132-Procedure for dealing with complaints
  5. NABL 190 ‘Application Form for Reference Material Producers Accreditation (RMP)’, Issue No. 03, Issue dt: 04.02.2020
  6. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has issued a Quality Control Order on transparent float glass in accordance with IS 14900: 2018 “Transparent Float Glass – Specification”. The laboratories having accreditation for similar product and tests may explore this opportunity to serve the industry by enhancing their current scope of accreditation. For details click here
  7. NABL invites Applications for Empanelment as Assessors for Mechanical Testing – Building Materials, Soil & Rock
  8. Use of NABL symbol is mandatory on all the test report / certificate, medical test report / certificate, calibration certificate / report, PT report and RM document issued by NABL Accredited CAB for the parameters / tests covered under NABL accredited scope. For more details, please refer NABL 133 “Policy for Use of NABL Symbol and / or Claim of Accreditation by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB) & NABL Accredited CAB Combined ILAC MRA Mark” Issue No. 09. Transition time of 03 months is given to the CABs for the implementation.
  10. NABL 100; General Information Brochure is revised.
  11. NABL 151: Application Form for Testing Laboratories is amended.
  12. Release of NABL 137 ‘Specific Criteria for Accreditation of Software & IT System testing Laboratories’
  13. NABL has now gained ILAC MRA for Accreditation of ‘Proficiency Testing Providers (PTP) as per ISO/IEC 17043:2010’ program ’ in addition to the prevailing ILAC and APAC MRA
  14. NABL 128-Procedure for Quality Assurance Scheme for Basic Composite Medical Laboratories (Entry Level) are revised. Entry Level QAS Basic Certificate will be issued to the laboratory with validity of three years.
  15. Release of NABL 136 “Specific Criteria for Accreditation of Quality Assurance Agencies for Diagnostic Radiology X-Ray Equipment
  16. List of accredited Toy Testing Laboratories
  17. Amendment in Assessment Checklist & Forms NABL 183NABL 194NABL 215NABL 217 & NABL 219
  18. Amendment in NABL 120; Guidance for classification of Product groups in Testing & Calibration Fields
  19. Amendment in NABL 126; Specific Criteria for Calibration of Medical Devices
  20. Amendment in NABL 219 ‘Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO/IEC 17025: 2017)
  21. Amendment in NABL 165 ‘NABL ‘s Policies for Accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017”.
  22. New-Amendment in “NABL 154; Application Form for Integrated Assessment of Testing Laboratories”& “NABL 127 Procedure for Integrated Assessment & Additional Requirements of Regulatory Body (ies) For Testing Laboratories”
  23. In view of the implementation of Management system as per ISO/IEC 17011:2017, NABL has aligned the accreditation process. The immediate effect is that the annual on-site surveillance being conducted during first accreditation cycle will now be a Desktop Surveillance. For details of accreditation process, please refer NABL 100.
  24. Appointment of CEO, NABL
  25. ‘Procedure for Dealing with Complaints; NABL 132 is amended’
  26. New-Accreditation of Medical Imaging-Conformity Assessment Body (MI-CAB) based on ISO 15189:2012. Kindly refer NABL 100NABL 135-Specific criteria for Accreditation of MI-CABNABL 156-Application form for MI-CAB & NABL 222-Assessment Forms & Checklist ( MI-CAB)
  27. Transition time of 06 months is given to the Laboratories for the implementation of latest amendment in NABL 165 ‘NABL Policies for Accreditation’ (as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017″ regarding certification/ qualification requirements for authorized signatories in NDT Laboratories
  28. ”Operational Manual for Online Assessment (For Assessors); NABL 213″
  29. ‘Existing Specific Criteria for Calibration laboratories in Electro-Technical (NABL 121), Mechanical (NABL 122 Part 1 -15), Radiological (NABL 123), Thermal (NABL 124) & Fluid Flow (NABL 125) disciplines are clubbed in one document-NABL129: Specific Criteria for Accreditation of Calibration Laboratories (Mechanical, Fluid flow, Radiological, Electro-Technical & Thermal Calibration) which is effective from 2nd April 2019. NABL 129: Specific Criteria for Accreditation of Calibration Laboratories (Mechanical, Fluid flow, Radiological, Electro-Technical & Thermal Calibration)
  30. Revised NABL 163: Policy for Participation in Proficiency Testing Activities for more clarity
  31. ‘ ” Release of NABL 112, Issue No. 04- Specific Criteria for Accreditation of Medical Laboratories which is effective from 01.06.2019”’
  32. Quality Assurance Scheme for Basic Composite Medical Laboratories (Entry Level)
  33. NABL 209: Pre-Assessment Guidelines & Forms (based on ISO/IEC 17025) is amended
  34. Testing Laboratories – NABL Specific criteria documents for testing field are withdrawn w.e.f. 7th August 2018. Please refer NABL 100 for the classification of product groups/ subgroup and NABL 165 ‘NABL Policies for Accreditation (as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017)’ for policies and other requirements including authorized signatories.
  35. Calibration Laboratories – NABL Specific criteria documents for calibration field are being revised in line with ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Meantime, please refer NABL 100 for the classification of product groups/ subgroup and NABL 165 ‘NABL Policies for Accreditation (as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017)’ for policies and other requirements including authorized signatories.

  36. w.e.f 1st August 2018, NABL will not accept application for accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 in hard copy.
    NABL will accept application only through NABL portal
    In case of any further information, please contact at
  37. In view of the latest Notification Issued by MoHFW dated 18th May 2018 notifying Clinical Establishment (Central Govt.) Amendment Rules, 2018, NABL 112 Issue No. 3 is amended .
  38. Change in Timelines of Accreditation Process
  39. Pre-assessment’ is made as ‘Optional’. It will be conducted if the CAB is willing to undertake the same
  40. Recognition scheme for sample collection centres/ facility (ies) declared by medical testing laboratories”
  41. ISO 6143 – “Gas analysis – Comparison methods for determining and checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures” shall be covered under ISO 17034; General requirements for the competence of Reference Material Producers, accreditation and not under ISO/IEC 17025; General Requirements for the competence of testing & calibration laboratories.
  42. Document Review Checklist (as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017); NABL 220
  43. Invitation of Application for Empanelment of Assessors in the field of Testing & Calibration
  44. ‘Procedure document for Recognition of Sample Collection Centre/ Facility ( SCF)’
  45. Clarification on NABL email dated 30th June 2017 regarding Authorized Signatory for Test Report for Medical Laboratories
  46. Biodegradability test in Plastics/ Compostable Plastics’will not be considered as a standalone test for accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025 as this is a complete evaluation study based on the set of tests rather than an individual test. This will be considered, only if, the laboratory is capable to perform the entire set of relevant tests.
  47. Amended NABL 165: NABL’s Policies for Accreditation (as per ISO/IEC 17025: 2017)
  48. Grievance Redressal Mechanism of NABL
  49. Clarification on Discipline and Group/ Category to be mentioned by NABL accredited laboratories/RMPs, alongwith ULR No. in their reports/certificates.
  50. Important Announcement for Application submitted by Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB) for First Accreditation
  51. QR Code on the Medical Test Reports