NABL has tried to thoroughly verify all information available on this site for its correctness and would try to continuously update the information on regular basis. However, NABL does not make any claim that the information made available, is fully correct and can be used for purposes other than elementary reference. NABL does not make any claim that information derived from the Laboratory Search Option is complete and accurate. This information is indicative and is meant to be a quick guide for locating laboratories for testing and calibration. The schedules for training and awareness programmes are subject to change. Correct schedules may be checked out with NABL office. Links to third party Web sites on this Site are provided solely as a convenience to the visitor. NABL has not reviewed all of these third party sites and does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content. Thus NABL does not endorse or make any representations about these sites. The visitor to this site would hold NABL indemnified against any loss, damage, penalties or liabilities incurred by visiting or deriving information from this site, or using the information for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes.